Digital Storytelling
Me on the Map
This was designed to assist teachers and students in answering the following social studies concept question: Where on Earth are we? I created Me on the Map. It's designed to be an intro lesson for my kindergarten students. This is a great visual for all students and perfect for the virtual teaching that we are all partaking in at this time. It also allows for the ability to pause, playback, and re-watch as necessary. This can be very beneficial for our L2 learners, special education learners and even those kids who just need a little extra support with this concept. It's a tough one, however, digital storytelling helps it be more interesting and allows students to visualize more easily. Plus, who doesn't love a good "jet" sound flying by every now and then?
Sweeney, J., & Leng, Q. (2018). Me on the map. New York: Dragonfly Books.
Digital Storytelling
Me on the Map

Sweeney, J., & Leng, Q. (2018). Me on the map. New York: Dragonfly Books.
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